DIY Carpet Cleaning Tips

Regular vacuuming is great, but deep cleaning your carpets with a professional Carpet Cleaning Orem can make them look and smell like new. Use these DIY carpet cleaning tips in between professional cleans to keep your carpets fresh and tidy.

Mix hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and cornstarch to create a paste. Apply this to a stain and scrub with a brush. This will lighten and lift the stain,.

carpet cleaning

Baking Soda

One of the most basic DIY carpet cleaning tips is to use baking soda, which can tackle both stains and bad odors. If you have a particularly persistent smell, sprinkling the entire carpet with baking soda can help get rid of it. You can also mix it with hot water and vinegar for a more intensive deodorizing treatment.

Greasy stains are a little trickier to deal with, but the first step is to blot the stain to lift as much oil as possible. Then sprinkle the spot with baking soda, and wait for upwards of three hours to let it sit on top of the stain. After that, vacuum up the baking soda. Repeat this process as needed until the stain is gone.

Non-greasy stains, such as those from tea, ink, and wine, are easier to take care of. Sprinkle a heavy layer of baking soda over the stain, and then pour over just enough vinegar to cause it to fizz. This helps to lift the stain, and you can then scrub it with a brush and rinse with water.

You can also add more fragrant dry spices, such as cinnamon or rosemary, to your baking soda mixture for a cleaner that will leave the carpet smelling wonderful. Just make sure to spot-test the combination on a small portion of your carpet, as more acidic chemicals can damage the fibers. Once you’ve tested the recipe, you can apply it to your carpet regularly for a fresh and clean look, as well as to get rid of unpleasant odors. For example, you could do a baking soda sprinkling once a month or every time you change your garbage bag to keep the area looking and smelling great.


The carpet is plush and comfy, sure—but it’s also super absorbent, soaking up pet smells, smoke, hairs, crumbs, and dust bunnies. And unless you clean it regularly, your rugs will quickly look and smell dirty.

Luckily, borax, which is also known as sodium tetraborate decahydrate, can come to the rescue with its natural cleaning power. This old-fashioned laundry booster has fallen out of fashion over the years as people moved to detergents with fewer chemicals, but it’s making a comeback with those who want to use natural products for home cleaning.

A box of the powdery white cleaner can be found at most grocery stores, and it’s also available online. This natural compound is safe to use and won’t harm children or pets, although it’s recommended to wear gloves when handling the powder.

Mix a teaspoon of borax with water in a spray bottle and shake to combine. Add a few drops of essential oil for freshness (but avoid scents that can irritate your pets).

For tough stains, apply the solution to a clean cloth and rub at the stain. You may need to repeat this process, particularly for stubborn stains such as red wine or blood. Then blot the area with an ice cube to soak up the liquid. Next, saturate the stain with hydrogen peroxide. After letting it sit for a minute or two, blot the area with paper towels to remove the peroxide and blood. Finally, vacuum up the remaining debris.

Essential Oils

Cleaning your carpet is an important part of housekeeping, and it’s especially necessary when you have pets or if your carpet has an unpleasant odor. But you don’t need to resort to expensive chemicals to get your carpet looking and smelling good again. With some simple items you can find in your pantry or local grocery store, your carpet will be as good as new.

Using a solution of water and ten drops of essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree oil (avoid any color versions of these oils as they could stain your carpet), you can create a natural deodorizing spray that will also lift any residual stains from the carpet. Just mix a solution of equal parts water and oil, spray it on the affected area, let it dry, and vacuum over the spot.

If your carpet has blood stains, which tend to be particularly unattractive, try applying a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to the area. After saturating the stain, allow it to sit for a few minutes and scrub with an old toothbrush to work the solution into the carpet fibers. Then, use a paper towel to blot up the peroxide and any remaining blood stain residue.

You can also use a mixture of borax and essential oils to make a natural deodorizer. Simply combine a tablespoon of borax with 10 drops of essential oil and two cups of water. Spray the mixture onto the affected area, let it sit, and vacuum it up.

A final tip to help you keep your carpet clean and hygienic is to use a squeegee, which is typically used for windows, to remove pet hair from your rug. This tool’s special sticky surface works to dislodge hairs and other tiny particles that can easily be missed by a vacuum cleaner or a standard broom.

White Vinegar

Vinegar is a powerful natural cleaning agent that can be used on carpets to remove tough stains and eliminate unpleasant odors. It’s a common household item that can be used to clean almost any type of stain or spill, and it’s also non-toxic, making it a safer and healthier alternative to synthetic carpet cleaners.

To make your own DIY carpet cleaning solution, combine equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then, apply the solution to your carpet and scrub it with a brush or sponge. Once the area has been thoroughly cleaned, allow it to dry completely before vacuuming to prevent dirt and grime from re-settling in your carpet fibers.

If your carpet has an unpleasant odor that you can’t seem to get rid of, try using a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda. Pour a small amount of the solution onto the affected area, then sprinkle a little baking soda on top. The resulting bubbling is a good sign that the baking soda has successfully absorbed the smelly chemicals from the carpet. Allow the area to sit for a few hours before vacuuming it.

Vinegar can be used on a wide variety of carpet types, including those made from wool, silk, cotton, and most synthetic fabrics. For the best results, use this homemade cleaner on fresh stains that haven’t had a chance to set. However, if you’re dealing with older or particularly stubborn stains, you may need to treat them separately before they will discolor or be removed from your carpet. For example, if you’re dealing with ketchup, Gatorade, Kool-Aid, or tomato sauce stains, follow steps 1 through 5 (above), but substitute the ammonia solution for the vinegar one in step 4. You can also use this remedy to treat butter, salad dressing, cheese, eggnog, cooking oil, crayon, tree sap, nail polish, and mascara stains.


If you don’t have a machine to use, the best way to get your carpets clean is with water. It’s easy to do and is safe for your family, pets, and the environment.

First, blot any stain with an absorbent cloth – such as paper towels if you don’t have any microfiber ones available. Try not to rub the stain as this can make it worse and force it deeper into the fibres. Gently blot the carpet until the liquid has been fully soaked up and is no longer visible.

Next, try to remove any remaining stains with a solution made of clear ammonia, fabric softener, and hot water. This is an effective DIY carpet shampoo that lifts dirt and is gentle on the fibers. Then, vacuum the area and apply Scotchguard to help keep it looking great going forward.

Another useful tip is to place a sheet of white vinegar in the washing machine with your detergent when you’re doing a normal load. This helps to break down any soap molecules that have been left behind, making them less likely to be re-deposited on the carpet.

One final trick that’s especially useful for area rugs that can’t be washed in the machine is to take it outside on a snowy day. Unroll the rug and beat it against the underlying snow to lift dirt and mud into it. You can also use a lint roller to get rid of any small loose particles, but be sure to check the label before using it on your delicate rugs. Lastly, be sure to allow the carpet plenty of time to dry, and don’t walk on it until it is completely dry to avoid any accidents.